Friday, February 4, 2011

My Workshop Impressions

A couple months ago, I took an online workshop through called "High-End Fantasy Game Art Creation." First off, I can't emphasize enough how much I learned from this 8 week course. My teacher, Character Artist Katon Callaway of Sony Santa Monica Studios, was fantastic. The guy is an amazing modeler and artist, very down to earth, and extremely patient and helpful with any and all questions. Along with receiving valuable training in the areas of character modeling, I also met some really great people. Just a heads up for those interested, Katon will be teaching the class again starting February 21st, 2011. This was my first online workshop taken through CG, and I would enroll in others if money wasn't tight. Regardless, it was a great experience, and most certainly gave me the tools and knowledge necessary to get my portfolio up to industry standard.

I'm still working on finishing the character, and I plan on posting quite a few progression shots that I've captured throughout the process. I have a few on my portfolio site, but not that many. Sadly, my site is a customized pre-made Flash template, so I haven't been able to attach any text descriptions to my images. This was my main reason for starting this blog, because I feel that a description is important for some of my work. So, until I figure out how to do that on my site, my blog will have to do.

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